Everyone who has ever dealt with the sheer amount of supporting options which exist on the German market, can imagine that an analysis of international available options will not be an easy task. However, by taking a specific approach as well as early integration of potential sponsors, the full potential of interesting supporting options can be tapped.
Fundamental for any research is an existing, meaningful project outline which answers essential questions regarding the realization of the project, such as:
Based on this outline one can focus on potential programs for which the project matches the essential funding requirements regarding the funding target and the qualifying conditions. In some cases a harmonization of the project outline is necessary.
There are some fundamental points to pay attention to while preparing a proposal and planning the retrieval of resources.
During the stage of scheduling, it is necessary to check the earliest possible point of time to commence the fundable measure alongside possible restraints of available resources. Many programs are restricted at this point – in these cases, starting is only possible after submitting the entitlement or alternatively by receiving the confirmation of funding. However, often there is the possibility to request premature commencement of the project.
If the project takes place in the European Union, it is necessary to verify that relevant subsidy standards are met– concerning the determination of the maximum subsidy intensity as well as possible prohibitions of accumulation by combining multiple funding programs.
It is obligatory to comply with the rules following up the confirmation of funding. Alongside the appropriate use of resources, it is indispensable to consider legal obligations, reporting duties and time requirements when to use resources as well as purpose limitations to reduce the risk of a possible reclaim of resources. Additionally, there are further criteria and collateral clauses to meet depending on the program and investor. Regarding these criteria, it is recommended to analyze the fundamental funding guidelines and collateral clauses by oneself or to consult a professional.
First steps are facilitated by e.g. the DEG which funds feasibility studies. Its program targets medium-sized enterprises from Germany as well as from other member states of the European Union. Funding requirements for projects are (among others) a realistic chance of realization and a positive impact from a developmental view. In these cases, the DEG funds up to 50% of the costs of the feasibility study, but only up to 200,000 EUR. Proposals can be directly handed in at the DEG. For further information please visit:
Unfortunately, there is no possibility to get a complete overview about available funding options in selected countries by simply searching the internet. Consequently, the international operating public funding institutions have to be requested and analyzed separately. A first overview is provided by the data basis of GET.invest – an initiative supported by the European Union as well as Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Austria. The data basis provides the possibility to search for possible (but unfortunately not for every) funding options. For further information please visit:
A further option offered by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is the “Climate Fund Inventory”. Although it targets predominantly countries, there are restricted funding possibilities for the private sector. For further information please visit:
In addition, the “Exportinitiative Erneuerbare Energien” provides funding factsheets, which have been elaborated by Rödl & Partner, for a plethora of countries. The factsheets offer, alongside fundamental economic key figures, an overview about the available public and private funding options. The factsheets are available at:
Available for the 28 member states of the European Union, the EFTA-states as well as in parts pre-accession countries for the European Union is “RES LEGAL Europe” – an initiative of the European Commission. It presents both funding options and the regulatory framework for the energy, heat, and sustainable transport sector. It is available at:
Further information about country-specific frameworks are also available for selected countries at our investment guidelines:
Our Subsidy Consultancy offers detailed funding search and program analysis as well as support for the application and execution including the preparation and respectively preparation of expenditure verification reports. We are looking forward to discuss your project with you.
Maria Ueltzen
Diploma in European Administration Management
Certified Expert in Climate and Renewable Energy Finance
Associate Partner
T +49 911 9193 3614